Most of the countries in the world have admitted: âWe are having a climate crisisâ!
For solving this problem, the TreeMission Union is planning community tree planting programs continuously, with the option of tree adopting. Anyone can join this mission, be it small/medium businesses, multinational companies, educational institutes, Governments, or any other group.
The TreeMission Enviromental protection plan’s main goal is to give a way for private persons, companies and insitutes to environment friendly and economical alternatives.
At TreeMission they believe that a sustainable and eco-conscious thinking isn’t neccesarily based on abnegations. A little attention, a few good info and a positive community is enough to start the changes.
Day by day more people are joining the eco-conscious thinking. If you think that we could add to a better future, join our program:
As an âadopting parentâ in the tree planting project, you can choose any of the programs in the following form: https://forms.gle/e6SNxwx5Ttgjd8DV6 (hĆs (hero) or szuperhĆs (superhero) âcharityâ).
From the support received until now, the supported organizations are the following:
â KomlĂłi ĂllatvĂ©dĆ EgyesĂŒlet http://www.komloiallatvedok.hu/
â PĂ©cs-Normandia Lions Club http://www.pnlc.hu/
â MosolymanĂł EgyesĂŒlet https://mosolymano.hu/
â Magyar MentĆkutyĂĄs Szervezetek OrszĂĄgos SzövetsĂ©ge http://www.magyarmentokutyasok.hu/
You may join as a private person, or as a company â and you have already added to the Earth and your fellow Humans!