VIII. POTE Beerpong League 1st round
Hello everyone,
The day we hope you’ve all been waiting for just as much as us has come 😉 The first round of the beerpong tournament will be held on the 20th of February (Thursday), in the Aula. 🏆
We will be handing out NUMBERS during registration, please try to stay calm while waiting! 🙂✋
We will accept the entry of up to 96 teams of 2 persons❗
Registration: 17/02/2020 (Monday) 9:00 am at the Student Office 📜
Entry fee: 1500 fts/team 💵
You will need to sign up with a team name and the name of you and your partner. 👬👭👫
Starting time: 17:00❗🏁 Please arrive on time 🙂
There will be a bar on the spot 🍺 and after the game we will continue the night at Pécsi Est Café, with a good old Medical Party! 🕺💃
We warmly welcome everyone!! ♥️
Our event is being sponsored by Pécsi Sörfőzde Kft.